We’d Be Charmed to Have You at This Year’s Conference! 

Hey there, amazing minds! Ready to share your brilliance and soak up some knowledge from fellow innovators? We're all about that collaborative magic, and we want to see the fantastic things you're working on at your college. Got innovative projects, creative campaigns, or groundbreaking ideas? We want to hear about them all! 

What We're Looking For:

Our programming committee has whipped up a list of topics that we’d love to see at this year’s conference:

  • Integrating A.I. in Your Workflow
  • Creating TikToks/Reels
  • Accessible Design
  • Credit & Non-Credit Integration
  • DEI Marketing & Advertising
  • Crisis Communications
  • Website Trends
  • Creative Writing
  • Keeping Your Team Motivated
  • Phone Photography
  • Finding Your Way as a Leader
  • How to Work with Your President
  • Wellness

Not seeing your topic of interest? No worries! Submit your presentation under the "other" category.

Panel Discussions We’re Excited About:

  • Social Media: Differentiate your channels, what goes where and why, how to say no, and using student ambassadors.
  • Campaign Presentations: What worked and what didn’t, and how you got buy-in.
  • A.I.: The pros and cons. Hear from our experts about writing, design, and workflow.




Breakout Sessions: Wow us with a traditional stand-up session. Ideal for large initiatives, detailed case studies, or interactive presentations with full slide decks.

Panel Discussions: Interested in joining a panel? Tell us why you’re awesome in social media, your latest campaign success, or your thoughts on A.I.

Workshops: Let’s get hands-on and learn together. Perfect for tutorials, how-to sessions, and wellness activities.

Vendor Sessions: 30-minute roundtable-style sessions that offer vendors an opportunity to share best practices around a topic of choice. Vendors who submit a presentation will be required to be a conference exhibitor or sponsor. 

Ready to inspire and be inspired? Submit your proposals and let’s make this conference unforgettable!

See the submission guidelines for details and submit your proposal today!

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES & SUBMIT A PROPOSAL The deadline for submissions is July 31. 


Jonathan Fonseca, District 1 Director
Cape Cod Community College, MA
(774) 330-4651
[javascript protected email address]

Abby Humbel, Programming Co-Chair
Hagerstown Community College
[javascript protected email address]

Michael Elspas, Programming Co-Chair
Community College of Baltimore County
[javascript protected email address]

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