Oct. 23-25
Charleston, South Carolina
Create Connections at NCMPR!
Wish you could get in front of more community college marketing decision-makers? Looking to build relationships with new and existing clients? Want to see the latest and greatest in community college marketing?
Think NCMPR! Boost your visibility with community college marketing and public relations professionals from across the district by becoming a sponsor or exhibitor at the NCMPR District 2 Conference.
We're headed to the Low Country in Charleston, and we want you to join us.
Sponsors and exhibitors enjoy recognition in pre-conference mailings, inclusion in conference materials and signage, exhibit space, recognition during the conference and more. Slots are limited and are taken on a first-come-first-served basis. Act now and join us for some big ideas!
Learn More About Sponsor Opportunities
Application and payment should be completed at least three weeks in advance of the district conferences. For more details, read the Exhibitor-Sponsor Terms and Conditions before submitting your application and payment.
Interested in being an Exhibitor at the 2023 District 2 Conference? Apply and find out more here.
Jackie Watson
District 2 Director
Kentucky Community & Technical College System
(859) 256-3612
[javascript protected email address]