Welcome to District 6

Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Republic of the Marshall Islands and Territory of Guam.

District 6 Executive Council

Assistant Director

Jennifer Perez

Jennifer Perez
Director of Campus Communications
North Orange Continuing Education, California
(714) 808-4671



Medallion Awards Coordinator

Robyn Martin
Assistant Dean of Enrollment and Marketing
Cochise College, Arizona
(520) 515-3688



Conference Co-Coordinators

Stephanie Preciado-Nguyen
New Media and Marketing Specialist
Fullerton College, California
(714) 732-5052



Andrea Rangno
Director, Marketing and Public Relations
Golden West College, California
(714) 432-5022 



Conference Content and Programming Coordinator

David Steiman
New Media and Marketing Specialist
Pasadena City College, California
(626) 585-7468

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator

Stephanie Reyna
New Media and Marketing Specialist
Saddleback College, California
(949) 582-4897



Leadership Coordinator

Juan Gutierrez
Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Orange Coast College, California
(714) 432-5725 



Member Outreach/State Representatives 

bonnie beatsonBonnie Beatson
Marketing Director
Windward Community College, Hawaii
(808) 235-7374



Elena Bubnova, MAElena V. Bubnova, M.A.
Associate Vice President of Research, Marketing and Web Services
Truckee Meadows Community College, Nevada
(775) 673-8240



Sarah Hernandez-Herman
Director of Content Strategy and Development
Arizona Western College
(928) 246-7360