Membership Categories and Fees
Individual Membership – $375
One membership for a two-year college employee. Includes full member benefits. Join/Renew
College Membership – $850
Three memberships for employees at a two-year college, which breaks down to a "buy two, get one for $100" deal. Those three members receive full benefits. Other college employees may attend NCMPR events , such as conferenes and webinars, at the member rate. Join/Renew
NOTE: Colleges within a district must apply for a separate NCMPR membership if they have a campus with a separate name or CEO, such as president or provost.
College Membership Add-On – $275/member
If you have a College Membership, additional members run $275 per member. For example, if your College Membership includes
+ Four members, your membership fees are $1125.
+ Five members, your membership fees are $1,400.
+ Six members, your membership fees are $1675, and so on.
College Member Add-Ons receive full member benefits. Join/Renew
Beginning June 1, NCMPR membership rates will change to the following:
- Individual Membership – $375
- College Membership – $850
- College Membership Add-On – $275/member
What if I work at a college with a college membership, but I’m not a member?
You may attend NCMPR events, such as webinars and conferences. However, you will not have access to other member benefits. To receive full member benefits, you can join NCMPR as a College Member Add-On for $275.
Please note: For a nonmember at a college with a College Membership to attend an NCMPR event, such as a webinar, a member from that college will need to register the nonmember.
What do my full member benefits entail?
- Webinars throughout the year, covering all the topics community college marketers care about most: program marketing, accessibility, social media, advertising and more. Renew or join by July 21, 2023, to guarantee access to all webinars for your 2023-24 member year. If you renew or join after July 21, you’ll receive access to NCMPR’s remaining live webinars for the year.
- Membership pricing on additional online programming.
- The opportunity to attend all NCMPR conferences, including district and national conferences.
- The opportunity to attend NCMPR’s Leadership Institute.
- Eligibility for scholarships to attend regional and national conferences and the Leadership Institute.
- Occasional emails and mailings to keep you informed of NCMPR events and news.
- Access to the NCMPR listserv, an active community of NCMPR members asking questions and sharing best practices.
- The opportunity to write for CC Daily, the American Association of Community Colleges’ news outlet, on behalf of NCMPR.
- Counsel, NCMPR’s quarterly news magazine with articles written by members and industry experts on the latest trends in community college marketing and PR.
- Eligibility for professional recognition via the Pacesetter, Communicator and Rising Star awards.
- Eligibility to enter the district Medallion Awards and national Paragon Awards.
- Full access to NCMPR’s website, including a members-only section with online resources and forums for sharing best practices.
Questions? Contact Connie Crosby, NCMPR’s member services and events coordinator, at or 505-349-0500, ext. 2.
Note: NCMPR’s membership year runs July 1 to June 30.