For a half a century, NCMPR has been the go-to spot for community and technical college marcom and PR pros. A lot has changed (who remembers darkrooms?), and a lot will continue to change (hey there, AI).

One thing that hasn’t changed? The connections NCMPR members make at conferences. The inspiration you’ll get from others’ successes. The ideas that spark from professional development.

We're kicking it off this month and want to hear from you!

Current or past member, sponsor, friend of the org: No matter your connection, we want to hear from you

Maybe it’s an a-ha moment you had at a district conference. Finally meeting, in real life, someone whose name you recognize from the listserv. An experience at a national conference from 1990. Getting your hard work recognized with a Paragon Award.

There’s no wrong answer to the question “What’s your favorite NCMPR memory?” Tell us about it here – we may feature it in in our continual golden anniversary celebration, which will culminate at NCMPR’s 2025 national conference in New Orleans. And don’t forget to include a photo!