Dr. Mike Flores
Alamo Colleges District
San Antonio, TX
How has Dr. Flores advanced the community college mission outside your community?
Dr. Flores partnered with the community to launch AlamoPROMISE. This provides free college to graduating seniors across Bexar County, the creation of a network of advocacy services to eliminate barriers to education like food and housing insecurity, and an enhanced program to bolster the existing personal advising services and career and experiential learning opportunities for students.
How has Dr. Flores been recognized for his work at the district?
During his first year as chancellor, the Alamo Colleges District became the only community college system in the nation to win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the highest presidential honor for performance excellence. This past year, the district was again named a finalist for the award. The Alamo Colleges District is one of nine organizations in the United States – and the only education organization – to receive site visits this summer.
One of the colleges in the district – Northwest Vista College – was named a finalist for the 2025 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. The $1 million award is the nation's signature recognition of strong performance among community colleges. The institutions selected stand out among more than 1,000 community colleges nationwide as having high and improving levels of student success and equitable outcomes for students from lower-income backgrounds.
How does Dr. Flores engage with the community?
Dr. Flores’ trust in the communication professionals on his team and his ability to see the larger picture has led to innovative ways of connecting with the community we serve, from his live stream talk show “A Seat at the Table” to community-focused engagement tactics, including a State of the District address.
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