2024 District 4 Rising Star
Melissa Kennon
Content Developer and Digital Accessibility Analyst
National Park College
Hot Springs, AR
What are some of Melissa’s achievements since starting at National Park College (NPC) in 2017?
Melissa attended Deque University, an online institution that offers training and resources on digital accessibility, where she received 36 certifications; completed HighEdWeb Leadership Academy training; coordinated and organized DEI events at the college that garnered public relations attention and created positive experiences for the students; and was invited to serve on the American Indian Center of Arkansas' board of directors. She also supervises work study employees and interns and serves as the college’s Diversity Club advisor.
What skills does Melissa bring to the NPC marketing team?
Melissa is one of the most talented person on our team, and she is incredibly hard-working. She is a swiss army knife of skills and abilities in both the creative and technical aspects of our work. She is constantly working to improve her knowledge and take advantage of professional development opportunities.
She has associate degrees in computer programming and digital media and art, a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, and a minor in marketing. She has experience in programming languages, Adobe Creative Suite, content development, photography and social media.
What personal and professional characteristics make Melissa stand out in the field?
Melissa is dedicated and driven, and she uses her time to invest in others. She trains our interns and teaches part-time courses in publication, advertising and design. She is the?advisor?for the Cultural Diversity Awareness Club at NPC and has served on committees across campus including those to rewrite the honor code, naming residence halls and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.