Over the last half century, NCMPR has worked with countless marcom and PR pros. From the quiet members who benefited from our resources and programming to those who lead the organization as president for a year--and everyone in between!--we'd love to hear and see your favorite NCMPR memories, photos and testimonials.

Please fill out the below with your information. You're also welcome to share your story in a video. Please record horizontally.

Share Your Story

Please use this form to submit your story for NCMPR's 50th celebration. 

If retired, please feel free to list your previous institutions.

If retired, and feel free to add your last job title.

We’re looking for a specific range, such at “2010 to present” or “1991-1994,” or a general date, such as “the 1980s.”

Such as writing a blog, presenting a session at a district or national conference, serving on our board of directors, etc. 

Please feel free to share any favorite NCMPR photos and/or video. Please share in a shared drive. Please also provide captions with any photos to help provide context. 

By submitting this form, I permit NCMPR to use the provided name, responses, and any other personal and/or professional details or materials for the creation of editorial content that will be shared on NCMPR platforms including, but not limited to, social media, emails, Counsel magazine, the website and at the 2025 national conference.


The information I've provided will be stored in NCMPR's secure membership database. 


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