From Analog to Digital
February 26, 2015

Post Date: Feb. 26, 2015
When I first stumbled across NCMPR in the '90s, I was a one-person shop churning out newsletters and press releases and newspaper ads and taking photos and planning events....whew. At the district conference in Portland, ME, I commiserated with fellow too-stretched colleagues and was pleased to see I wasn't alone. The relationships I made there (I'm looking at you, Judi Sciple) and the ideas I got and rushed back to apply were the start of something great. NCMPR brought me from waxing type strips and hand-drawn dummies and multi-week print turnarounds to multiplatform digital messaging and major collateral pieces created and delivered in days. This group of friends and colleagues helped me keep pace with all the many changes community college communicators have seen. But what hasn't changed? At least these -- The call to be strategic and purposeful in all we do. The need to be nimble and responsive. The support and help I can get at the drop of an email from an international network of folks who have my back. And, finally -- that we have the best jobs in the world.
By Sally Cameron
Vice President, College Communications
Bristol Community College
Fall River, MA